Urinary tract infection

What is Urinary tract infection or UTI?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can affect different parts of the urinary tract, bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis) or kidneys (kidney infection). 

What are the symptoms of Urinary tract infection?

Pee more than usual, or suddenly

Pain or discomfort while peeing

Smelly or cloudy urine

Blood in the urine

Discomfort in the abdomen (tummy), or sides of the abdomen (flanks)

Feeling tired, chills and fever

In older patients, they may be confused or agitated

What should I do if I have symptoms of Urinary tract infection?

Consult your healthcare provider.

How is Urinary tract infection diagnosed and treated?

Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam, Lab tests, urine tests. 

Men may have a swab taken from the tip of the penis.

How is urinary tract infection treated?

Urinary tract infection is treated with antibiotics.

How do I prevent urinary tract infection?

Finish antibiotics as prescribed completely, even when you feel better with a few pills.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Wipe from front to back when you go to the toilet.

Try to empty your bladder fully when you pee

Take showers instead of bath

Personal hygiene, Loose cotton underwear

Pee, wash with soap and water before and after sex

Change diapers regularly.

Location of Urinary tract


Image result for Urinary tractImage result for Urinary tract

Crohn's disease

What is Crohn's disease?

Crohn's disease is a lifelong condition in which parts of the digestive system become inflamed.

Genetic, autoimmune, imbalance of gut bacteria, Previous infection of the gut, Smoking have been proposed as causes of Crohn's disease.

What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease?

Repeated diarrhea which may contain blood, mucus, pus

Discomfort in the abdomen (tummy)

Needing to go to the restroom to have a bowel movement repeatedly

Weight loss

Sores in the mouth

What should I do if I have symptoms of Crohn's disease?

Consult your healthcare provider.

How is Crohn's disease diagnosed and treated?

Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam, Lab tests.

A procedure is done where a camera will be passed to look at the gut[Colonoscopy, Upper and lower GI Endoscopy].

Treatment is done with oral medicines to control the acute symptoms, Long-term medicines to suppress the immune system.

Sometimes surgery is recommended.

How do I manage Crohn's disease in the long-term?


Take medications as prescribed.

Avoid smoking.

You will see a team of healthcare providers, who will help you manage Crohn's disease.

Location of abdominal organs

Image result for colon location 

Ulcerative colitis

What is Ulcerative colitis?

Ulcerative colitis is a long-term condition where the colon and rectum become inflamed.

It is a autoimmune condition, where your own immune system attacks the cells of the colon and rectum.

What are the symptoms of Ulcerative colitis?

Repeated diarrhea which may contain blood, mucus, pus

Discomfort in the abdomen (tummy)

Needing to go to the restroom to have a bowel movement repeatedly

Weight loss

During acute episodes, patients may experience joint swelling and pain, redness in the eyes, skin rash, sores in the mouth, fever, dehydration.

What should I do if I have symptoms of Ulcerative colitis?

Consult your healthcare provider.

How is Ulcerative colitis diagnosed and treated?

Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam, Lab tests.

A procedure is done where a camera will be passed to look at the gut[Colonoscopy, Upper and lower GI Endoscopy].

Treatment is done with oral medicines to control the acute symptoms, Long-term medicines to suppress the immune system to prevent acute attacks.

Sometimes surgery is recommended in severe cases. 

What are the long-term complications of ulcerative colitis?

Damage to the bile ducts in the liver [Sclerosing cholangitis]

Risk of bowel cancer.

Stunted growth in children.

Location of abdominal organs

Image result for colon location 


What is gastritis?

Gastritis occurs when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed after it's been damaged. 

Common causes are

Regularly using over the counter pain medicines like ibuprofen [NSAIDs class of medicines]

H. pylori bacterial infection.

Excessive alcohol use, cocaine use.

Stress, insomnia.

Autoimmune reaction

What are the symptoms of gastritis?


Burning discomfort in the pit of the stomach, gnawing sensation

Feeling sick

Feeling full after eating

What should I do if I have symptoms of gastritis?

Consult your healthcare provider.

How is gastritis diagnosed and treated?

Test for H. pylori infection with stool test, breath test.

Looking at the stomach with the camera [endoscopy]

Barium swallow

Acid lowering medicines, antibiotics based on lab results.


How can I lower my risk of Gastritis?

Avoid NSAIDs

Avoid alcohol, smoking.

Healthy dietary habits, daily exercise, maintain normal body weight.

Eating smaller, more frequent meals.

Avoiding foods that irritate the stomach such as spicy food, acidic or fried foods.

Stress management, sleep hygiene.

Location of Stomach in the abdomen

Image result for pancreas location


Chronic pancreatitis

What is Chronic Pancreatitis?

Chronic pancreatitis is a condition where the pancreas has become permanently damaged from repeated inflammation and stops working properly.

Common cause for chronic pancreatitis is long-term alcohol abuse.

Less common causes are smoking, your own immune system attacking the pancreas, genetic, injury to the pancreas, gallstones, radiation to the abdomen.

What are the symptoms of Chronic Pancreatitis?

Intermittent severe discomfort in the center of the tummy moving to the back.

Constant dull discomfort in the center of the stomach

Loss of appetite.

Weight loss.


Chronic sick feeling.

Diabetes like symptoms.


What should I do if I have symptoms of Chronic Pancreatitis?

Consult your healthcare provider immediately.

How is Chronic Pancreatitis diagnosed and treated?

Your healthcare provider will order blood tests, imaging.

Sometimes biopsy is done.

Chronic pancreatitis is treated with medicines to relieve pain, injections, pancreatic enzymes supplements, diabetes treatment, surgery.

How can I lower my risk of Chronic Pancreatitis?

Avoid alcohol, smoking.

Healthy dietary habits, daily exercise, maintain normal body weight to prevent gallstone formation.

Location of pancreas in the abdomen

Image result for pancreas location



At the time of office visit, please present your insurance card.  We bill your visit to the insurance card you present. 

In the event of an error in your insurance, please let our front office staff know.

We are in network with most insurances. However individual plans may vary and not known till a claim is adjudicated.

We are a smoke free facility.

We need every patient to finish all the forms online and check in online if possible. 

Most visits start on time, so please plan to be at the office, fifteen minutes before your appointment.

Habitual no show patients are terminated from the patient panel.

We charge a no show fee.

If you are not able make the commute, or take time off for commute , explore tele medicine available now.